Best movies like At the Crossroads of Great Storms

A unique, carefully handpicked, selection of the best movies like At the Crossroads of Great Storms Starring Vlad Rădescu, Cornel Ciupercescu, Constantin Codrescu, Silviu Stănculescu, and more. If you liked At the Crossroads of Great Storms then you may also like: Zulu Dawn, Videograms of a Revolution, Vlad the Impaler: The True Life of Dracula, Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom, Revolution and many more popular movies featured on this list. You can further filter the list even more or get a random selection from the list of similar movies, to make your selection even easier.

In 1848 during the tumultuous era of European revolutions shaking the continent out of its feudal-based empire-based system the Wallachian politician Nicolae Balcescu is trying to reach the same revolutionary goals at home.

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Zulu Dawn

In 1879, the British suffer a great loss at the Battle of Isandlwana due to incompetent leadership.

Videograms of a Revolution

Videograms of a Revolution is a 1992 documentary film compiled by Harun Farocki and Andrei Ujică from over 125 hours of amateur footage, news footage, and excerpts from the Bucharest TV studio overtaken by demonstrators as part of the December 1989 Romanian Revolution.

Vlad the Impaler: The True Life of Dracula

Vlad Tepes, otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler and Dracula, fights the Ottoman Turks on the battlefield and the Hungarian Boyars in his court.

Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom

A documentary on the unrest in Ukraine during 2013 and 2014, as student demonstrations supporting European integration grew into a violent revolution calling for the resignation of President Viktor F. Yanukovich.


New York trapper Tom Dobb becomes an unwilling participant in the American Revolution after his son Ned is drafted into the Army by the villainous Sergeant Major Peasy. Tom attempts to find his son, and eventually becomes convinced that he must take a stand and fight for the freedom of the Colonies, alongside the aristocratic rebel Daisy McConnahay. As Tom undergoes his change of heart, the events of the war unfold in large-scale grandeur.

The Forest Woman

Busuioc (Victor Rebengiuc), un taran bogat din Curtici isi trimite fiul Iorgovan (Adrian Pintea), impreuna cu servitorul Sofron (Serban Ionescu) in satul vecin pentru a gasi oameni la munca campului. Iorgovan este indragostit de Simina (Manuela Harabor), fiica unui taran sarac, dintr-un sat de munte, in cautarea careia pleaca. Cum si Simina ii impartaseste sentimentele ea accepta sa vina la culesul recoltei impreuna cu tatal sau. Sentimentele lui Iorgovan sunt confuze, este slab si sfasiat intre dragostea sincera pentru Simina si obstacolul prejudecatilor si diferentelor de pozitie sociala. In acest timp Sofron, tanarul servitor al acestuia, se indragosteste la randu-i de Simina. Infruntarea dintre cei doi pretendenti devine din ce in ce mai acuta, fapt care va limpezi atitudinea fiecaruia fata de femeia pe care amandoi o iubesc.

Gods and Generals

The film centers mostly around the personal and professional life of Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, a brilliant if eccentric Confederate general, from the outbreak of the American Civil War until its halfway point.

Kingdom in the Clouds

A young man's quest for a kingdom promising eternal youth and immortality. To reach his goal he must fulfill the three wishes of the Emperor's daughter, retrieve three golden objects, answer three riddles set by the Lord of Time, and overcome an evil witch and escape the Kingdom of Lies ruled by an evil Emperor and the young man's nemesis, the Prince of Lies. In return for good deeds along the way, he is given a magical horn and feather to aid him in his quest and is served by a flying horse, All this before he can finally enter the Kingdom of Youth without Old Age and Life without Death and marry the Emperor's daughter.

The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu

The three-hour-long documentary covers 25 years in the life of Nicolae Ceaușescu and was made using 1,000 hours of original footage from the National Archives of Romania.

Michael the Brave

An epic fresco depicting the reign (1593-1601) of Mihai Pătrașcu (better known as "Mihai Viteazul" / "Michael the Brave"), the famous prince who united the three provinces: Transalpine Vallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia, into the country of Romania, at the end of the 16th century (1599-1601) against the opposition of the Ottoman and Austrian Empires, this movie features large scale battle scenes mixed with political intrigues, murderous treachery, and family drama.

A Place Called Chiapas

In 1994, the Zapatista National Liberation Army, made up of impoverished Mayan Indians from the state of Chiapas, took over five towns and 500 ranches in southern Mexico. The government deployed its troops and at least 145 people died in the ensuing battle. Filmmaker Nettie Wild travelled to the country's jungle canyons to film the elusive and fragile life of this uprising.


After the fall of Tobruk in June 1942, U.S. Army sergeant Joe Gunn leads his tank into the Sahara desert, in order to evade advancing Rommel's forces and reach Allied lines. Along the way he picks up few Allied soldiers, but soon they are running out of water. They find water at the ancient well, but the well is a goal of an entire German battalion. Despite the impossible odds, Sergeant Gunn decides to defend the well.

The French Revolution

A history of the French Revolution from the decision of the king to convene the Etats-Generaux in 1789 in order to deal with France's debt problem. The first part of the movie tells the story from 1789 until August 10, 1792 (when the King Louis XVI lost all his authority and was put in prison). The second part carries the story through the end of the terror in 1794, including the deaths by guillotine of Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, Danton, and Desmoulins.

Memories of My Childhood

Based on Ion Creanga's book, the story of a child from his childhood to his manhood.


Set in early 19th century Wallachia, Romania, a policeman, Costandin, is hired by a nobleman to find a Gypsy slave who has run away from his estate after having an affair with his wife.

Two Deaths

A tale of power, passion and obsession set in a politically torn Eastern European country.

Proud Heritage

After 1394 King Mircea the Elder, ruler of Wallachia, ponders the eventual consequences of a military alliance with the Poles versus one with the Turks.

Stephen the Great - Vaslui 1475

In 1475 when Stephen the Great, ruler of Moldavia is facing an invading Ottoman army of 120 000 men, the fate of Christian Europe largely depends on the battle's outcome.

The Soimaresti Clan

Vying for Principality of Moldavia's throne the descendants of Prince Stephen the Great start a bloody civil war in 1612.

The Kidnapping of the Maidens

In 19th century Wallachia war-bands of Ottoman Turks from across the Danube river raid Wallachia with impunity while Wallachia's Phanariote rulers don't oppose them.

The Carpathian Castle

In late 19th century, a Transylvanian revolutionary fleeing the Imperial authorities goes to Italy where he meets a beautiful soprano who later disappears under mysterious circumstances.

The Punishment

In 1919 at the end of WW1 Romanian peasant Manolache Preda returns to his native village where he finds his woman taken by another and his land sold to the local landowner.

And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself

In 1914, the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa invites studios to shoot his actual battles against Porfírio Diaz army to raise funds for financing guns and ammunition. The Mutual Film Corporation, through producer D.W. Griffith, interests for the proposition and sends the filmmaker Frank Thayer to negotiate a contract with Pancho Villa himself.

Benedict Arnold: A Question of Honor

On the glorious battlefields of the American Revolution, two great generals distinguished themselves; George Washington and Benedict Arnold. Washington is remembered as America's founding father, Arnold as America's most notorious traitor. Benedict Arnold rose from humble origins to become the most respected and feared of America's generals. He won brilliant military victories against the English colonists and was Washington's favorite soldier. But two conflicting forces battled inside Arnold's heart; a deep concern for his country and his passionate love for an enchanting and manipulative English woman, Peggy Shippen. Blinded by desire, Arnold defected to the English army, orchestrating an attempt to assassinate his own mentor, George Washington.

The Proud and Damned

A group of five Confederate mercenaries led by Sergeant Will Hansen must choose sides carefully in a small village where they find themselves trapped in the middle of a rebellion. The group is torn as to whether they should honor the powerful military dictator who forces them to spy for him or help the local village fight for its independence. Follow Sergeant Hansen and his men as they make a decision that could cost them their lives.

The Broken Chain

The true story of Iroquois warrior Thayendanegea participating in the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War.

The Mysteries of Bucharest

The Principality of Wallachia with the capital Bucharest (today a region of Romania) before the Revolution of the year 1848. A couple of secret societies are working to chase away the Prince Gheorge Bibescu from his throne, arms are transported on secret ways, preparing the first popular revolts in Bucharest, as the first act of the Revolution of 1848, which revolution is the first impulse of the later act of the Union of the Wallachia with Moldova (Romanian United Principalities in 1862, Kingdom of Romania in 1881 and Kingdom of Greater Romania 1918, with Transylvania, Bukovina and Bessarabia).


Sam Hunter, an American photojournalist, is ostensibly covering the Pope's visit to the South American country of San Pedro. But Sam's real goal is to track down the elusive revolutionary leader Marcos and bring back an exclusive interview. Sam quickly gets into trouble with the repressive military regime of the dictator Mendosa, which controls San Pedro with an iron grip. Nevertheless, Sam heads off to the mountains to find Marcos. On his way, he meets the radiantly beautiful Dr. Luisa Suarez, a doctor committed to the impoverished mountain peasants. An awakening volcano and the best efforts of a government death squad do not stop Sam from reaching Marcos, and he becomes sympathetic to the cause... documenting it with his photos. In a tumultuous climax, revolution and the volcano erupt simultaneously, as Sam struggles to get his revealing photos out to the front pages of the world's newspapers.

The Famous Paparazzo

A tabloid photographer is given the assignment to follow a politician suspected to have sexual relations with an underage girl.

Mercenaries' Trap

The movie is based on a true story from the end of WWI, in Transylvania. A nobleman who owned some land in Transylvania returns home to find a part of his fortune burned to ashes during late 1918 when power was trasfered from AustroHungary to Romania. Looking for revenge, he ordered the killing of innocent Romanian peasants from a neighbouring village, which he suspected to be guilty for the losses he suffered. A Romanian officer from Romanian Transylvanian Volunteers Corp, decides to help the villagers to face the menace of the nobleman

The Romanian Musketeer

During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.

Everyman's War

No one in high command believed that German forces would attack in the sub zero temperatures and near blizzard conditions. As the pre-dawn attack comes, with communications down Sgt. Smith is left with no choice but to make his way through enemy fire, unarmed and wounded, into town and warn of the coming attack. Based on actual accounts "Everyman's War" explores the heroic events of this decorated veterans courage and the struggle between duty and desire. Between the prospect of the life and love, Dorine that waits at home and the harsh realities of war which marks the pivotal epoch in his life as he discovers that the loss of hope can be worse than the loss of life. One man's courage... One man's hope...Everyman's War.


Historical adventure film that evokes the figure of the Prince Dimitrie Cantemir. The heroes fight for the manuscript "The History of the Ottoman Empire" and the jewels of the ruler's wife.

Ottoman Empire: The War Machine

This History Channel documentary traces the Ottoman Empire from its beginnings in the 14th century to its incarnation as one of the largest empires in history, spanning three continents.

The Coconut Revolution

The movie tells the story of the successful uprising of the indigenous peoples of Bougainville Island against the Papua New Guinea army and the mining plans of the mining corporation Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ) to exploit their natural resources. The documentary reveals how the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) managed to overcome the marine blockade strategy used by the Papuan army by using coconut oil as fuel for their vehicles.

Florence Nightingale

Reflective drama of pioneering nurse, writer and noted statistician Florence Nightingale

The Column

The end of Trajan's Dacian Wars (106 AD), when south western Dacia was transformed into a Roman province: Roman Dacia.

So, What Is Freedom?

Inspired by historical facts, this film is a story of love and survival against the background of the 1951 Communist ordered deportation of 40,000 landowners and people of non-Romanian origins to the Baragan Plain, the "Romanian Siberia".

Eureka Stockade

Spectacular account of the infamous Eureka Stockade, and the events leading up to it.

The Thistles of The Bărăgan

Rumania's entry in the 1958 Cannes Film Festival was the excessively melodramatic Ciulinii Bărăganului. The title translates as Fools of Bărăgan, in reference to a band of beleaguered feudal Rumanian peasants. But these are no fools: instead, they are fearless freedom fighters, organizing a brave (though foredoomed) revolt against the tyranny of the landowners. The parallels drawn between the people of Bărăgan and Russia's revolutionary leaders are all but impossible to miss. It would have been nice, however, if the story had not been told in such a heavy-handed, spell-it-all-out fashion.

For Motherland

In 1877 during the Russo-Turkish war the Kingdom of Romania joins the war on Russia's side and declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.

Family Jewels

A bourgeois family life in Romania around the time of the Great Peasant Uprising of 1907.

In Our Village

The film shows that Romanian peasants were divided between those opposing and those embracing collectivization. The heated debates between the pro and con camps would ultimately lead to murder.

Mountains in Flames

1848, Transylvania. Avram Iancu raises a peasant army to defend the rights of the Romanian ethnics, while Nicolae Bălcescu tries a diplomatic approach.

Bride of the Regiment

As they are leaving the church following their wedding, Count Adrian Beltrami and Countess Anna-Marie are told that the Austrians are marching on the town to quell an Italian uprising. The bride and relatives induce the count to flee to his castle, but Tangy, a silhouette cutter, brings word from the revolutionary committee asking him to return; the count goes, asking Tangy to pose as the count and protect Anna-Marie.

Holy Week

The Holy Week, around 1900, somewhere in Romania. The tense relationship between the Jewish innkeeper Leiba and Gheorghe, his Christian employee, reaches the point where the innkeeper decides to expel the latter. Revengeful, Gheorghe promises Leiba that he will return on Easter Night to “settle” his accounts. This threat comes as a last straw against Leiba’s attempts to cohabit with his hostile, anti-Semitic environment. From then on, Leiba will struggle distinguishing between the real danger and the one fabricated by his anxieties, engaging onto a path of transformation leading to extreme consequences.

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