Reviews for Dariya Dil

5.2 / 10 2h 26min

Chided by his family for being the absolute miser, wealthy industrialist Dhaniram (Kader Khan) loves his money as a mother loves a child. This does not auger well with his two sons, Ajay and Vijay (Shashi Kiran and Raj Kiran respectively). The two sons despise their father and find various ways to entrap him, but in vain. Dhaniram gets in the bad books of Income Tax Officer, D.O. Gogi (Shakti Kapoor), and as a result Gogi is arrested and imprisoned. His sister, Dolly (Roshini) and brother, Gulu (Gulshan Grover) both scheme a devious plot that will ensure the death of Dhaniram, and the control of his wealth will rest with them and Gogi.

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user822mkbe5o1m's Movie review
Review by user822mkbe5o1m

Kader Khan is the real star of this family drama.

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