Reviews for Existo

2.0 / 10 1h 34min

In this dystopian-musical-comedy, corporations and self-appointed guardians of "decency" and "morality" have society in a fascist choke-hold. It's up to a rag-tag group of actors, artists, and musicians to save the world the only way they know how - through the power of - wait for it - Performance Art! Led by the legendary Existo (Bruce Arntson (musical composer, "Ernest" film franchise), his faithful sidekick Maxine (Jackie Welch, (Ernest Goes to Jail), provocateur Marcel (Jim Varney, (Ernest, Toy Story), and Vigo (Cooper Thornton (Parks & Recreation) this troupe of subversive insurgents have the Religio-Capitalist Complex in their cross-hairs. But the powers-that-be know Existo's weak spot - his ravenous libido - and seek to exploit it to derail the Revolution with a secret weapon - a curly-haired corporate-pop singer named Penelope (Jenny Littleton).

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