Reviews for Family Squad

10.0 / 10 24min

The Huang family has served in the police force for generations. The patriarch, Huang Jiajing, is modest and talkative, but lacking in confidence and self-esteem. After making mistakes in his job as a police officer, he was transferred and then resigned. His wife, Huang Liaozhonghao, is a contented housewife devoted to her children. Their eldest daughter, Huang Di, is a senior police inspector who is authoritative and diligent. Their second daughter, Huang Fei is impulsive, lazy, and gluttonous, but unexpectedly clever. Their son, Huang Fa, is a university student who is playful and vain, but spoiled by his family. Jiajing's godson, Lia0 Tong-tai, is Huang family's mischievous relative who loves to prank, and Huang family's sworn enemy...

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