Reviews for Flight To You

7.2 / 10 45min

Gu Nanting, the vice minister of passenger flight department of Lu Airlines, is a strict and self-disciplined man, who is known as a mean boss and a devil instructor. The female cargo pilot, Cheng Xiao, is brave and unrestrained. She was about to be promoted to captain when she got transferred to the passenger department due to the company's restructuring. Gu Nanting becomes Cheng Xiao's direct supervisor and mentor, and the two are at odds with each other. Gu Nanting, who has always pursued stability and order, is disrupted time and again by Cheng Xiao, who does not follow the usual rules. The two pilots and their mentor, who have always pursued stability and order, are disrupted time and again by the unorthodox Cheng Xiao. How can they deal with this situation?

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