Reviews for Kenneth Tynan: In Praise of Hardcore

0.0 / 10 1h 13min

In 1963, flamboyant, eccentric English theatre critic Kenneth Tynan is made 'literary manager' of London's National Theatre. His views on censorship (can't stand it) and sexuality (as much of it onstage as possible) set him on a collision course with the NT's Chair, Sir Oliver Lyttelton. Demoted after becoming the first person to drop the F-bomb on British TV, Tynan struggles to stage his 'erotic entertainment' "Oh Calcutta" in the face of opposition from friends, family and colleagues, and in spite of his own deteriorating health.

user5332h5qlcl7's Movie review
Review by user5332h5qlcl7

By focusing on the end of his career the film is unconvincing, unengaging and rather pointless

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