Reviews for Splendor

6.7 / 10 1h 50min

Splendor is the name of an old movie theater managed by Jordan (Mastroianni), who inherited it from his father. The theater is in decay and only generates debts and trouble, but Jordan gets aid in his almost quixotian quest from projectionist Luigi (Troisi) and ushurette Chantale (Vlady). However, Jordan is finally forced to sell the Splendor to businessman Lo Fazio (Piperno), which plans to transform it in some kind of furniture store. When Jordan leaves the theater for the last time (the very first scene), he recalls the glorious days of Splendor and movies in general.

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ElectricErmine's Movie review
Review by ElectricErmine

He gave them romance, adventure and timeless memories. She fueled cinema inspired dreams. It's impact was infinite. 'The Splender' was truly a magical place.

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