Reviews for Surrender

4.3 / 10 1h 30min

Violet Barton, a femme-fatale goal-setter, fascinates men and readily returns their affection to obtain the wealth she desires, even to the point of bigamy. She has an affair with gambler Gregg Delaney but marries his best friend, Johnny Hale, when she discovers Hale is the richest man in Texas. This loses her the respect of her sister, Janet, who loves Hale, and Delaney, who loves Violet. Meanwhile, town sheriff Bill Howard is working hard to get Delaney to confess to a murder.

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user970nii46ug9's Movie review
Review by user970nii46ug9

Will this be remembered in film immortality as a western with melodramatic themes or a melodrama with Western themes?

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