Reviews for The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption

4.5 / 10 1h 46min

Since his triumphant rise to power in the original blockbuster "The Scorpion King", Mathayus' kingdom has fallen and he's lost his queen to plague. Now an assassin for hire, he must defend a kingdom from an evil tyrant and his ghost warriors for the chance to regain the power and glory he once knew. Starring Ron Perlman ("Hellboy") and Billy Zane ("Titanic"), and featuring 6-time WWE champion Dave Bautista and UFC star Kimbo Slice, "The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption" takes "The Mummy" phenomenon to an all-new level of epic action and non-stop adventure.

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user71nnebakno's Movie review
Review by user71nnebakno

Not as bad as people make it sound, a decent diversion

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