Reviews for Westlife: The Farewell Tour Live at Croke Park

9.5 / 10 2h 7min

One of the most successful bands of all time, Westlife have had 14 number one singles, more than 20 top 10 hits and have sold a staggering 45 million albums during their 14 year career. In 2012 Westlife embark on what will be their final tour together. Over a three month period The Farewell Tour travels to more than 100 venues worldwide culminating in a spectacular homecoming concert to 85,000 fans at Croke Park Stadium in Dublin.. Essential for all Westlife fans, this DVD captures this once in a lifetime moment recorded at their final concert at Croke Park and invites fans to join Shane, Mark, Kian and Nicky for an epic music event and unforgettable farewell.

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