Top 250 Movies Like Ein Haus In Der Toscana

A list of the best movies similar to Ein Haus in der Toscana. If you liked Ein Haus in der Toscana then you may also like: Karakum - Ein Abenteuer in der Wüste, Knockout – Ein junges Mädchen, ein junger Mann, The Even Stevens Movie, Elf Jahre und ein Tag, Männerpension and many more great movies featured on this list.

Ein Haus in der Toscana is a German television series.

Karakum - Ein Abenteuer in der Wüste

A 13-year-old German boy, Robert, (Max Kullman) sets out to try and find his father, who's in Turkmenistan. On his arrival there he meets up with a local boy (Murat Orasov) who agrees to help him, but they are abandoned by their adult guides and must fend for themselves.

The Even Stevens Movie

The Stevens think that they've won an all-expenses-paid trip to an island that's halfway around the world. When their house is destroyed, their food stolen, and their bacon eaten, the Stevens family breaks apart in front of all their friends on live national television, while the island itself is only a short distance away from Sacramento!


Ein Förderprogramm bringt die beiden Kanckis Gerd und Steinbock in die Obhut von Frauen. Dort sollen sie beweisen, dass sie in der Lage sind sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Nun bringt Gerd dummerweise einen Barbesitzer um. Damit hat der Ausflug in die Freiheit vorlaeufig ein Ende.

The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats

Eine Ziege hatte sieben junge Geißlein, die sie liebte, wie eine Mutter ihre Kinder nur lieben kann. Als sie eines Tages ein paar Besorgungen zu machen hatte, mussten die Kleinen ihr fest versprechen, niemandem die Tür zu öffnen. Kaum war die Mutter aus dem Haus, klopfte auch schon der böse Wolf. Doch die klugen sieben Geißlein ließen ihn nicht herein, wie ihre Mutter es ihnen aufgetragen hatte. Aber so leicht gab der Wolf nicht auf und heckte sogleich einen schlauen Plan aus, mit dem er die Geißlein überlisten und in das Haus eindringen wollte.

Der Unbesiegbare

Hámos' fascination with the cultural mythology of the hero culminates in this witty, elaborately crafted drama, which was produced for European television. Hámos intercuts two parallel narratives to tell his story: a cartoonish, campy science fiction adventure, shot on video; and an elegant, cinematic political thriller, shot on film. Hámos blends the two genres into a tragicomic tale of the role of heroes, their immortality, and the catharsis of a heroic death. The science fiction melodrama features a comic book superhero, Hurry Cane, who saves the earth from the evil Emperor Argon; in the film noir, hired killers have a contract out on the hero Cane. Hámos' analysis of the myth of the hero is articulated in his collusion of the two stylized dramas and their contrasting representational modes..

Ein Reihenhaus steht selten allein

After some back and forth are graphic designers Jan Börner can finally bring himself and his wife Anne and their children Lisa and Luke a terraced house in a modern housing estate to relate. But a short time later reveal the dark side of this decision. In the midst of gossiping settlement residents privacy is nil. To make matters worse, the busy neighbors feel even called to overwhelm Jan and Anne with supposedly helpful advice for running the household and raising children. The tense atmosphere in the family finally reached a new climax when one day Jan's ex-girlfriend Maren moves into the house next door ...

Ein Strauß voll Glück

After the death of her husband, Anna tries to begin a new life with her children Paul and Laura on the North-Sea island Amrum. An ostrich-farm is the smart business-idea, which secures her family's future. As merchandising and to inspire her prospective customers for her products, she sends ostrich-eggs to the nearby restaurants on the mainland. But the first delivery turns into to a disaster. The shipping company that operates the ferry service to the mainland had left Anna's products in the sun too long, and all eggs spoiled before they got to their destination. Anna's optimism gets a serious blow and she is close to bankruptcy. Matthias, a lawyer and a good friend of Anna, supports her by all means in her fight against the shipping company owner and shyster, Reents. With great media interest and the aid of the sympathetic journalist, Marc stokes, Anna enters the fight against the nearly all-powerful adversary in order to force Reents to give up.

Ein Sommer im Burgenland

While Berlin-based businessman Paul Graf is in Shanghai, his nosy busybody mother Maria, who was only to mind his apartment, opens his mail, finds a letter notifying he's to become father and without consulting him travels to see the expectant mother, Nina, at her home, uncle Harald Brandl's farm and stork home. Maria falls in love with Harald but also finds the key to the Graf family's past, fled from Hungary during the Soviet-crushed rebellion. Paul arrives and finds Nina impossible to deal with, yet wants a bond with his unborn son.

Ein Sommer auf Sylt

Anne Berger, wife and mother of two children, is looking forward to the family vacation on Sylt. However, on the day of departure, she must learn that her husband Stefan has an affair with his assistant. So Anne sets off with her children alone. In order not to be found for Stefan, she lodges in a small guesthouse, which is run by the somewhat grumpy, but kind-hearted Lina Hansen. While Anne finds an admirer in Lina's son, the idiosyncratic Fischer Jan, Stefan also makes his way to the holiday island. He is remorseful and wants to win Anne back at any cost.

Ein Ferienhaus in Schottland

Stefanie and Felix are engaged to be married so they're going to celebrate their wedding in a Scottish castle. That castle is the place where Stefanie passed her summer holidays as a child with her family and where she fell in love for the first time. One fateful event could change her plans forever, affecting all her family members.

Lassie - Ein neues Abenteuer

Instead of spending their vacations in Gran Canaria with their parents, Flo and Lassie are taken by butler Gerhardt to the farm of aunt Cosima in South Tyrol, who lives there with Jack Russell Pippa and her foster children Kleo and Henri. Gerhardt, meanwhile, spends time at the Grand Hotel Sternberg, not far away, and assists the hotel owner Bianca Sternberg there - because he is completely inexperienced at taking vacations. When Flo, Kleo and Henri learn of missing dogs in the village, they anxiously resolve not to lose sight of Lassie and Pippa. But then Aunt Cosima's house is broken into and Pippa is stolen! Lassie quickly gets on the trail of the thieves, but has to catch them in the act.

Ein Fall für TKKG: Drachenauge

The four young snoopers Tim, Karl, Kloesschen and Gaby by chance discover a hidden cave near an old castle. In it there's a board that seems to describe the way to a legendary sword. They ask their history teacher Schindler about it. He forbids them further actions, but secretly continues investigations with help of two ruthless criminals. But our young heros don't give up on an adventure so fast...

Bis dass der Tod uns scheidet

Podiak marriage are on vacation in a cruise. Suzanne, who is fed up of her husband mistreatment, decides to get out through overboard, leaving a goodbye lettre, but during her funeral her husband discover that she is not death.

Anna Netrebko – ein Leben für die Oper

She is one of the greatest divas of the present day and has left her mark on the world of opera: Anna Netrebko. On her 50th birthday, ARTE is dedicating a special portrait to her. As a disciplined professional in preparations and behind the scenes. And very personally in a private conversation. An encounter with a true superstar of classical music.

Der kleine Dicke mit dem großen Langen

Two men, different in body weight and height and wanted by the police, are hired by a landowner. She employs vacation helpers for their " leisure time activities.

Ein Fest fürs Leben

A fast-paced ensemble comedy about a wedding planner and his thrown-together crew whose meticulously planned celebration gets way out of hand.

Gaudi in der Lederhose

Two Germans spend their summer vacation with their relatives on an idyllic situated Super Bavarian farm. There , They Discover their Intimate Fantasies Coming To Reality , when they get to involve themselves in groping Boobs, Having Sex with teh Village Women, They soon find that the Village Woman are Nymphomaniacs and are very fond of Sex.

Feel the Motion

Young Tina has a big dream, she wants to become a successful pop singer. That's why she tries her luck in the music show 'Formel Eins'. There she meets all kinds of stars like Falco, Meat Loaf, Die Toten Hosen and Pia Zadora and of course the presenter Ingolf Lück. The result is a colorful mix-up and the question arises as to whether Tina can make her dream come true.

Honecker und der Pastor

January 1990: After they got deposed and the fall of the wall, Erich and Margot Honecker are virtually homeless. Because the government housing estate in Wandlitz got dissolved. The Modrow government offers no protection to the former dictator couple. Solely the protestant pastor Uwe Holmer and his family, who, like many others, have suffered under the GDR regime, offer the Honeckers refuge. In front of the parsonage, fierce protests take place, so that Pastor Holmer and his wife have to personally obstruct the primed for violence protestors. The half-hearted attempt of the Modrow government to accommodate the Honeckers in a state-own vacation home in March 1990 fails due to massive political protests and violent attacks against the motorcade. Once again, the Holmers have to take the couple in. All in all, for 10 weeks, the staunch socialists and the devout Christians are living under one roof in the parsonage.

Krass Klassenfahrt - Der Kinofilm

Croatia is calling! The 12th grade of a Berlin high school is going on a graduation trip. Together with the stressed teacher Mrs. Gruber and the over-committed teacher Georg, the trip doesn't start as planned: In the so-called Eco-Hostel the dream of an Insta-worthy beach vacation with endless parties seems to burst before it has even begun. Yet McLarry in particular had high hopes of distraction: he's the only one who didn't pass his A-levels and who can't actually afford the class trip. He is also not yet over his breakup with Bella. But then the ray of hope - his favorite rapper and idol Zeno is also in Croatia! The perfect opportunity for McLarry to present him his own songs. Together with his best buddy Cornelius and Best Friends Bella and Alena, they break away from the class field trip and head to Zeno's villa. With the hopelessly overtaxed chaperone Georg in tow, they embark on the gnarliest adventure of their lives...

Der Unsichtbare

TV star Benjamin inherits from his uncle a cloak of invisibility. Invisible he must discover that his wife is cheating on him with his best friend and asks her in front of the television camera, it does not do to. A journalist on the hunt for a story, adds to the confusion.

Ein Vater zum Verlieben

The Berlin businessman and family man Richard Brosche is amazed when he learns that he has a second illegitimate teenage daughter in Mallorca. In his search for traces in the Balearic Islands, a series of mix-ups and surprising revelations arise that completely change Richard's life. - Dieter Pfaff plays the leading role in this quick-witted comedy about the strange paths that not only the male libido sometimes goes.

Ein Guru kommt

"A Guru Comes" - A failed opera singer rises to the leader of a new religious community. Satirical film about the new religious movements of the 1970s and 1980s.

Ein Sommer in Amalfi

German travel guide researcher Kai, a gay player, breaks a leg on mission in Amalfi, once more paying too much gay attention to Italian stallions. This forces his editor Claudia Wesskampe, who hates the Mediterranean on account of her absent Italian stepfather, to join Kai to finish the field work, as he's already dangerously close to her deadline. Friendly locals like padre Leo Muti and his flirtatious cousin Luca soon convert her to appreciate the country, its people and even her unraveled family history.

Ein Ferienhaus auf Ibiza

In order to finally reconcile their adult, hopelessly chaotic children Karla, Henriette and Max, the resolute Greta takes an unusual approach: she invites all three to a holiday together in Ibiza, where she puts the brawlers to the choice: Either they tolerate themselves, or they are disinherited by their father Herbert. After a few half-hearted attempts to make peace, it will not be long before old conflicts break out. Thus, in sunny Spain, a turbulent round of family jealousies, heartache and unexpected love happiness unfolds.

Ein Produzent hat Seele oder er hat keine

Horst Wendlandt tells the story of his cinematic work since the sixties. The dialogue between the "old and the young filmmaker" creates a fascinating spectrum of German film of the recent past.

Jochen - Ein Golzower aus Philadelphia

About the son of an agricultural functionary who helped enforce the socialist order in Philadelphia in Brandenburg, then in Golzow (Oderbruch) and finally in Bernau near Berlin. Jochen therefore went to school in Golzow for only one year. He became a milker, was a border guard, married and lives with three children in Bernau. Just as disappointed with the GDR as he was with its fall, today he is even with all politics.

Profis - Ein Jahr Fußball mit Paul Breitner und Uli Hoeneß

Es war einmal, vor vielen Jahren, da begab es sich, daß der heute so ruhmreiche FC Bayern zu Beginn der neuen Saison ziemlich miserabel dastand: Der Kaiser war fort, kein neuer Pokal schmückte die Trophäensammlung, und statt Harmonie und vollen Konten drückten Frust und Schulden die Stimmung. Und justament während dieser für den Verein so wichtigen Bundesligarunde 1978/79 konnten die Filmemacher Christian Weisenborn und Michael Wulfes die damals noch aktiven Spieler Paul Breitner und Uli Hoeneß dazu überreden, sich eine Saison lang von ihnen mit der Kamera begleiten zu lassen.

Busch singt – Sechs Filme über die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts

"Busch singt" consists of 6 films "About the first part of our century" and does not present Ernst Busch only as a singer but is a film with and about Busch as a chronicler and fighter for communist ideals of his time. Konrad Wolf died during the production, he directed part 3 "1935 oder Das Faß der Pandora" and part 5 "Ein Toter auf Urlaub".

Kampf auf der Bosporus-Brücke - Die Türkei und der gescheiterte Putschversuch

The night of July 15, 2016 changed the history of Turkey. On that day there were coordinated attacks by parts of the Turkish army, among others in Istanbul. The aim of the military: a coup against the government. The decisive confrontation occurred on the Bosporus Bridge. While President Erdogan was still on vacation, live at TV he called on the people who were devoted to him to stand against the military. As an enemy for the masses, he presented his adversary Fethullah Gülen, whom he branded as the coup leader. He also urged the imams of the country's mosques to condition the population to resist. And so it happens that at night thousands of agitated people take to the streets to oppose the armed insurgents. The death toll was high. 352 people died across Turkey during the attempted coup. The consequences are even more serious: Erdogan used this gift, as he called it himself, to undermine democracy, to arrange mass arrests of dissidents and to transform Turkey into a dictatorship.

Todorov - Ein Gangster Film

On August 4, 1971 at 15:55, Dimitri Todorov and Hand Georg Rammelmayr robbed the Deutsche Bank in Prinzregentenstraße, Munich. They were hoping for DEM 2 000 000. Later, when the police stormed the bank, Todorov's partner got killed. Now, after 22 years in prison Dimitri is free.

Mario and the Magician

The Twenties: The German Fuhrmann family spend their holidays in Italy again. The country is full of mysteries in that time. The Fuhrmann's have to realize the upcoming and growing fascism and their children are fascinated by a magician visiting the town. Soon nothing is as usual. The times are changing ...

In der Falle

Simone Carstensen-Kleebach actually has everything one could wish for in life: a husband who supports her and with whom she has been married for almost 20 years, a daughter and great career success. But the pressure to be perfect in all these roles lends Simone more and more. When she meets Leon on vacation, it sparks. And although Simone never thought it possible to "do something like that," she gets involved in an affair with him. Back in Hamburg with the family, Simone suddenly receives compromising photos of Leon and himself. But who took the pictures and what does the sender want to achieve?

Ein Schneemann für Afrika

The little African girl Asina is eagerly waiting for her new friend Karli. Karli is a young sailor from Rostock who has promised her a gift on his next arrival in Coccatuttibana. Karli keeps his promise and smuggles a stowaway onboard the “MS Wismar”. Kasimir, a snowman, finds shelter in a cooling chamber. Although the journey turns out to be turbulent, Karli and Kasimir manage to arrive in Africa in good health.

Krieg der Töne

The 12 year old Ina struggle to become a great pianist. Success depends on the music competition "Ein Herz für Mozart". Ina is sent by her mother's command to piano lessons. The piano teacher Holger produces in his free time experimental music from sound collages, but can not prevail with his works in the professional music business. Ina takes a liking to the sound collages of Holger and flees from her domineering mother to him.

Racheengel - Ein eiskalter Plan

At the beginning of the weekend, the detective commissioner Tina Campenhausen wanted to spend with her family, she is called to a hotel in Travemünde. Guest Brederstein lies dead in the tub. Everything points to suicide. Tina Campenhausen knows the dead that she keeps secret from her colleague. Tina is caught up in her past when her sister, Jenny Hansen, whom she has not had any contact with for years, is at her door. Does Jenny have something to do with the death of the hotel guest? Tina gets into the biggest conflict of conscience of her life.

Die Frau aus dem Meer

Berlin: Hauptstadt korrupter Populisten, zynischer Journalisten und fieser Gangster. Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Niki Stein hängt sich mit seiner Story weit aus dem Fenster: Im Hals einer Frauenleiche am Husumer Strand steckt ein Papier mit der Handynummer des Starreporters Kress (Ulrich Tukur). Die Kommissarin Nora Jaspers (Anja Kling) fährt in die Spreemetropole, um den Mann zu verhören, doch ein hoher LKA-Beamter (Walter Kreye) nimmt ihr den Fall weg. Gleichzeitig versucht Noras Vater, der Polizeipräsident Kolberg (Hanns Zischler), eine Law-and-Or­der-Partei zu etablieren…

Ein Sommer in Antwerpen

Carolinas, summer in Antwerp will be different from what she thought. She actually wants to found a new fashion label with Johann in Hamburg. But Mathis turns her life upside down.

Ein Sommer in der Bretagne

Veterinarian Britta has recently separated from her boyfriend and is open to a new beginning, preferably in Brittany, where she spends the summer vacation with a befriend couple. After a rain shower, she unexpectedly stumbles upon her idyllic dream house, only to run over the fisherman Yves with her bike in her blissfulness. Unfortunately, Yves also wants to buy the house that is up for sale in an anonymous bidding process. He and his father can no longer make a living from fishing, and he wants to build up a second source of income in the form of holiday apartments. The empty neighboring house would be ideal for this. At first, Yves finds Britta more annoying than nice. But she gains ground with her fearless and positive nature. When Yves finds out who his opponent in the bidding process is, he tries to badmouth his beautiful home area in presence of the German doctor. Everything would be so much easier if it weren't for those darn feelings. House or love, that is the question now.

Ein Fisch namens Liebe

The German doctor Vicky falls in love with the young Turk Mehmet. His family has lived in Berlin for a long time, and people are open to Germans - including women . But his mother Fatma has a problem with Vicky because she is almost as old as she is . FatmaCiller, who says "Helga" to all German women and "Hans" to all German men , is shocked and determined to get rid of "old Helga" . When Hidir, Fatma 's husband , dies and the family can not afford to transport the body to Turkey , they areCillers suddenly dependent on Vicky . But Mehmet only wants to accept money from Vicky if she gets engaged to him immediately . Vicky dares , happily agrees and travels with the mourners to Turkey , to Fatma 's home village . Here, in the CappadocianDorf, does the hilarious showdown between Fatma and Vicky happen as it must - the beginning of a wonderful friendship?

Ein Sommer auf Elba

Although Maja and Thorsten have been divorced for two years, it is important to them to go on vacation with their sons once a year. The thought is good, the execution miserable.

Ein Engel und Paul

Beautiful and mysterious Marie seduces Paul, a successful lawyer and loyal family man, who becomes obsessed with her. However, what he doesn't know is that she was hired to do it. She takes pity on him and confesses.

Wann ist der Mann ein Mann?

While his wife Linda jets through the world as a pilot, the architect Jan Weber takes care of the son as a full-time houseman. When Jan unexpectedly slips into an affair with the equally successful and attractive businesswoman Sophie Berger, who also makes a comeback in his professional life, Jan faces a difficult decision: Will he continue to stay a houseman or return to work as a "real man"?

So ein Schlamassel

Jil has found great love in the landscape architect Marc. There is only a tiny problem: Marc is not a Jew, and Jil's devout Jewish family would never accept marrying a "goi," a non-Jew. There is only one thing that helps: Marc, son of a German bourgeois family, must pretend that he is also a Jew. After a quick course in terms of traditions and customs, this also seems to work quite well. Jil's family is thrilled with the new friend. But then the dizziness flies up just during a big bar mitzvah celebration - and Jil has to decide.

Berlin Snuff - Straßen der Gewalt

A private TV station sends its employees out to capture the dark side of Berlin. With the help of police radio, they are drawn to murders, rapes and other crimes which they then film in gory detail.

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